Principal Investigator

B.S. Chemistry, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas Venezuela
Undergraduate research advisor: Prof. Roberto Sanchez-Delgado
PhD. Chemistry, Columbia University, New York
Thesis advisor: Prof. Gerard Parkin
Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Advisor: Prof. Stephen J. Lippard
Selected Awards and Honors
– Scialog Fellow, Research Corporation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, 2018
– NSF CAREER Award, 2015
– Whitehead Fellowship for Junior Faculty in Biomedical and Biological Sciences, 2012
– National Institutes of Health NSRA Ruth Kirschstein Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2009-2011
– Louis Hammett Award to Outstanding Ph.D. Student (Columbia University), 2008
– Edith and Eugene Blout Scholarship, 2005-2006
– Jack Miller Award to Outstanding Teaching Assistant (Columbia University), 2005
– Best Student Award (Universidad Simón Bolívar), 2001